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Fostering Collaboration: Insights from Our URBREATH Co-Creation Sessions

At URBREATH we understand the importance of collaboration in tackling complex challenges. Recently, we hosted two dynamic co-creation sessions as part of our URBREATH project. These sessions brought together diverse stakeholders to brainstorm, exchange ideas, and shape the future of urban sustainability.

The importance of co-creation sessions

Co-creation sessions are a valuable tool for ensuring that NBS regreening strategies are inclusive, effective, and well-supported by the community.

  • Gather diverse input: NBS-related projects benefit from a multitude of perspectives. Co-creation sessions bring together researchers, urban planners, policymakers, residents, and other stakeholders. This allows for incorporating different types of knowledge and experiences that can enrich the project’s regreening strategies. Residents, for example, can provide insights into the specific needs and challenges of different neighborhoods.
  • Increase Project Buy-In: By involving stakeholders in the design phase, the project fosters a sense of ownership and increases the likelihood of successful implementation. People are more likely to support a project they helped create. Co-creation sessions can help build trust and collaboration among different groups.
  • Identify Unforeseen Challenges:  The co-creation process can surface potential challenges that researchers or planners might not have anticipated.  Residents might raise concerns about maintenance needs or potential disruptions caused by certain NBS implementations.  Addressing these concerns early on can help avoid delays or roadblocks later in the project.
  • Generate Creative Solutions:  A diverse group of people can come up with more creative and innovative solutions than any one group working alone.  Co-creation sessions can be a breeding ground for new ideas and approaches to urban regreening using NBS.
  • Improve Project Outcomes: By incorporating the perspectives of various stakeholders, the project’s NBS strategies are more likely to be effective and sustainable in the long term.  Co-creation can lead to solutions that are more attuned to the community’s needs and easier to  maintain over time.

The sessions

Session #1: March 6th, 2024

Our first co-creation session, brought together partners from different climate zones. Participants engaged in lively discussions on urban sustainability, nature-based solutions (NBS), and the role of our URBREATH platform. We brainstormed pilot case scenarios, identified key requirements, and explored potential challenges and opportunities.

Session #2: March 7th, 2024

Building on the momentum of the first session, our second co-creation session focused on cities in continental and boreal climate zones. Participants delved deeper into NBS implementation, sharing best practices and stakeholder engagement strategies. We collaborated to populate a Miro board with relevant information, laying the groundwork for future discussions.

Our co-creation sessions have helped us bring together everyone’s ideas to create better urban solutions. We’re excited to keep working together and making our URBREATH project a success.

Stay tuned for more updates and insights from our ongoing co-creation efforts!