Pilot 4 Continental Climatic Zone
Showcasing nature-based solutions, socio-economic facilities, and zero-emission mobility solutions along the Blue-Green corridor of the Someș River – IRIS Neighbourhood within the Continental climatic zone
Cluj-Napoca Municipality: Continuing with a Living Lab (LL) approach, we will regenerate the Someșul Mic flagship initiative in the post-industrial Iris Neighborhood. This involves co-design, participation, and testing of innovative Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) and public space facilities in key pilot sites. These initiatives will be co-developed and co-monitored using digital technologies. The goal is to use the outcomes to extend this approach to the entire Metropolitan area corridor, covering approximately 75 km.
Pilsen: The Square of the Republic in Pilsen is a central and vital part of the city. The goal of its revitalization is to enhance the comfort and safety for pedestrians and cyclists, improve public transport flow and speed, enhance rainwater retention, and elevate the residential quality and safety perception. Additionally, the plan includes creating a new green area and involving the public, local students, and startups for testing various aspects like water management and safety as part of a living laboratory. Modern technologies such as Digital Twins, AI, sensors, and other tools will be employed for planning, safety, and sustainability.