Pilot 1 Mediterranean Climate Zone
Demonstrating urban greening for resilience and climate adaptation in vulnerable districts within the Mediterranean climate zone by co-designing an urban regeneration strategy and testing various NBS typologies.
Madrid City Council: The main aim is to develop a community-driven strategy for urban renewal in Villaverde District, serving as a citywide model. This involves transforming urban ecosystems through Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) and greening strategies, fostering climate adaptation, creating refuges, and accommodating community needs. Implementation will be a collaborative effort with local communities and key stakeholders, creating resilience plans connecting public spaces, enhancing facility accessibility, and aligning with Madrid Municipality’s biodiversity strategy.
Parma: Parma aims to incorporate nature-based solutions (NBS) systematically into future policy and planning strategies. The city plans to utilize the methodologies and tools developed within the project to create an NBS plan specifically for the San Leonardo neighborhood. This area is undergoing regeneration through national funds linked to the National Resilience and Recovery Plan. The focus will be on integrating NBS into broader urban renewal initiatives, with a special emphasis on enhancing social innovation by improving the livability of urban spaces.
Athens: The city is actively including nature-based solutions (NBS) in its urban planning priorities to benefit citizens, protect resources, and achieve climatic neutrality. They are exploring the integration of nature-based ecosystems into existing infrastructure, aligning with URBREATH objectives. As part of Athens’ digital transformation plan, they are creating a Digital Twin that consolidates all digital sources, making them more accessible for experimentation. This initiative aims to establish a replicated city environment for safe policy testing and exploration.