About Us

About Us
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Contact Info

684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235



City of Athens Team


ANAPLASSIS S.A. is a state-owned entity working closely with the municipality of Athens and other public authorities in order to implement sustainable urban interventions in the city of Athens. Since our projects aim for the regeneration and upgrade of public space and urban lanscape, URBREATH is an opportunity to learn from other cities and gain valuable insights into NBS, already applied and tested in other European cities, and innovative digital tools. Right now, ANAPLASSIS S.A. is involved in the early stages of an unprecedented large-scale public/private investment program that is about to start in Athens; the 'Double Regeneration Project' is the largest urban development and social intervention project ever undertaken by Greece's local authorities, costing a total of €230,000,000 and occupying an area of 95,000 meters².

For us, URBREATH is a unique opportunity to learn from the other cities and experts participating in the project and gain valuable experience in participatory and co-designing processes. As Anaplassis S.A. works closely with other municipalities and authorities involved in urban design and planning, the knowledge and experience gained can be "spilled-over", so that the greater Athens metropolitan area can benefit. Citizens' and stakeholders' engangement and acceptance is vital in order to tackle the effects of climate change, so URBREATH can help us develop methodologies and strategies for engaging local communities and other stakeholders in both the decicion-making process and the implementation of projects. Recognising the needs and aspirations of citizens helps promote social acceptance and behavioural changes vital for achieving sustainable outcomes.

For us, URBREATH is a unique opportunity to learn from the other cities and experts participating in the project and gain valuable experience in participatory and co-designing processes. As Anaplassis S.A. works closely with other municipalities and authorities involved in urban design and planning, the knowledge and experience gained can be "spilled-over", so that the greater Athens metropolitan area can benefit. Citizens' and stakeholders' engangement and acceptance is vital in order to tackle the effects of climate change, so URBREATH can help us develop methodologies and strategies for engaging local communities and other stakeholders in both the decicion-making process and the implementation of projects. Recognising the needs and aspirations of citizens helps promote social acceptance and behavioural changes vital for achieving sustainable outcomes.