City of Tallinn Team
Tallinn city is the pilot city in URBREATH project, the role of which is to test and deminstrate the use of NBS's. Tallinn 2035 development strategy describes the future central seaside area in Tallinn as open and unobstructed and with a possibility to be accessed via many streets and paths, with natural beaches and parks and natural areas of minimal human interference: with a promenade connecting the beaches and subdistricts in an uninterrupted and cohesive way, creating a green corridor also for non-human residents. The proposed demo area is situated in the district that is facing gentrification. Local residents had been managing the wellfare of the demo area beach for years by adding infrastructure and organising waste removal. They resisted against the real-estate companies' plans to turn the public beach into gated community and as a result, part of the public beach in Kalaranna remained but it was completely re-designed. The proposed action includes a co-creation of a public Linnahalli beach, only 10 minutes' walk away from the former community run beach. Even though the demo areas current condition is derelict, due to its central location and attractive views to the sea from the top of the closed and dilapidating Tallinn City Hall, it is still a popular leisure area despite being unsafe and unkept. The activities in the Tallinn demo area complement spacial interventions of the Rohejälg project, helping to create a more coherent space. In the same area Tallinn city collects and dumps the snow from its streets. There are huge snow mountains in the area that, in each spring, start melting and polluting the soil as well as the costal area in general. Tallinn city aims to test Nature Base Solutions to reduce pollution from snowmelt stored in the area (e.g. snowmelt collection ditches; bio-filtration system to bind bio-salts; water quality sensor-monitoring system; treatment pond with salt-tolerant plants; filtered water outflow).
URBREATH is a possibility to share experiences on NBS implementation while monitoring their effectiveness and contextualizing in the context of the climate change mitigation framework. Tallinn city expects to create a well functioning solution that could be an example for using NBS in other such areas in Tallinn. We also hope to activate the derelict pilot area and continue already started activities.
Tallinn city has agreed upon a climate strategy "Climate-neutral Tallinn. Tallinn Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan 2030" (accessible here "Climate-neutral Tallinn. Tallinn Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan 2030" is a cross-sectoral development document that specifies the strategic goal of the development strategy Tallinn 2035 to achieve climate neutrality by 2050 and creates a specific action plan to fulfil the commitment set out in the Covenant of Mayors to reduce greenhouse gas emissions of cities by 40% by the year 2030. We can't guarantee to adequately assess this but with URBREATH we hope to progess in increaseing awareness and administrative capacity related to the effects of climate change. Including city administration employees to international projects will increase the overall