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KAMK Interview

Kajaani University of Applied Sciences Team

We got involved, because we are interested to continuing our ongoind RDI activities related to environmentally sustainable urban operations. In earilier years we have been creating solutions for better water quality management, biodiversity support, nutrient circulation from waste waters/runoff water and long-term carbon binding. We are also interested on citizen science and related new tools. We have very good and agile collaboration with Kajaani city.

We expect to have fresh new ideas on regreening and how to evaluate the impact of different measures taken. We expect to develop further IT tools to support citizen science and situational awareness on issues related to resilience.

We want to estimate the role of increased carbon binding be regreenign activities in urban areas. We, togehter with Kajaani city, want to estimate the synergies between better carbon strorages, water balance and quality issues and soil health.