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ENG Interview

ENG Team

Engineering (ENG) collaborated closely with The Lisbon Council and Politecnico di Milano to conceive the project concept and guide the proposal drafting process.

As the project technical manager, ENG supervises the technical activities outlined in the URBREATH work plan, supporting the project coordinator. In particular, ENG leads the definition of the technical requirements and overall architecture of the URBREATH toolkit; it is responsible for the data management and monitoring tools and, as leader of WP4, for the delivery of the overall URBREATH decision-making framework.
ENG was involved in the project for its proven design and technical skills in supporting the digital transformation of cities and public administrations. It represents a valuable partner for a project aiming to improve the climate neutrality of European cities through advanced digital technologies, particularly Local Digital Twins and data-driven decision-support tools. Its expertise can leverage a relevant network at the EU level; ENG is leading the BDVA Task Force on Smart Governance and Smart Cities and co-leading the FIWARE Foundation Smart City Mission Support Committee, and it is one of the Living-in.eu movement supporters.

URBREATH offers a valuable opportunity for collaboration with various stakeholders (particularly cities) on climate resiliency and environmental sustainability, which represent key topics for ENG both towards its customers and within company processes. This commitment is demonstrated by the numerous initiatives undertaken by ENG in these areas as described in the company's Environmental Social Governance & Corporate Social Responsibility reports (https://www.eng.it/en/who-we-are/esg). By participating in URBREATH, ENG will contribute to developing and providing innovative digital solutions for urban revitalisation and climate neutrality, aiming to take a leading role at an Italian and even European level. In doing so, ENG will leverage and evolve the expertise and assets developed in other relevant projects focusing on NBSs and climate challenges such as UnaLab (https://unalab.eu/en) and Invest4Nature (https://invest4nature.eu/). ENG will exploit the project’s outputs to improve its offering of cutting-edge solutions to support municipalities and cities in facing the challenges related to climate change and in creating more equitable, green and inclusive social ecosystems.

URBREATH goes beyond the EU's climate neutrality goal, focusing on NBS-driven urban revitalization and resilience. The project also aims at improving social interactions, inclusion, equity and liveability in cities, putting communities at the heart of the decision-making process and combining advanced technologies (i.e. Local Digital Twins, IoT and AI) with social innovation to achieve its vision. This holistic approach differentiates the project from the “simple” greenhouse gas emission reduction of the EU's climate law. The involvement of multiple cities (4 Front Runner Cities and 5 Follower Cities) from 4 different European climatic zones will ensure that the solutions developed in URBREATH are adaptable to different urban contexts. During the project execution, ENG will have the opportunity to collect valuable insights concerning (i) the effectiveness of the developed solutions in improving the quality of urban life, being aligned with the actual needs of local communities, and (ii) their level of replicability in different city contexts.